If you are the kind of person that would bellyache because Finding Nemo – The Musical is featured in a Dinosaur-themed land, then I probably follow you on twitter (by the way, please follow me on twitter: @outhouseofmouse).
Look, I don’t care what is playing in that theater. All I care about is when it is playing.
That’s the key to this whole place. When the show is not going on, there is nobody here! And, the restroom is open and accessible to passersby. If you walk past here and don’t stop, you are really making a mistake. This place is a better throne room than what I imagine Mickey sits in. Seriously, you’ll have the place to yourself. It is why I’m declaring this restroom (get the champagne and confetti ready) to be the BEST RESTROOM AT ANIMAL KINGDOM!
This place not only trumps the other two restrooms in Dinoland (here and here), it trumps Nemo’s Restroom at Epcot as well. Plus, you don’t have to look at any hideous sealife at this restroom. You have to look at some hideous dinosaurs, but no slimy sealife.
Nemo is nowhere to be found in here, and neither is anyone else. It is quieter than early morning at a certain dentist office, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.
When the show is about the start or end, however, this place is a horrifying zoo. Skip it.

Hit up Everestland instead.