Gastric Rays

The Future.  A magical mythical place where vehicles are powered by gas engines.  Where progress is measured by looking into the past.  Where alien fugitives belch and spit on you.  Where monsters and toys come to life.
You've got a friend in the future.

You’ve got a friend in the future.

There is so much fantasy in this land.  That’s why it’s called…wait for it…Tomorrowland!

Okay, so maybe Tomorrowland is not that tomorrowy anymore.  But, it is still great fun.

Sleepy, relaxing fun.

Sleepy, relaxing fun.

Some of the most fun you can have is at lunch time, with about 10,000 screaming children.  They are loading up on chicken nuggets, and all mesmerized by an alien lounge singer.

All the way from Yew Nork.

All the way from Yew Nork.

Cosmic Ray’s contains three counters, called bays here.  These three bays contain such nutritious cuisine as chicken, burgers, and sandwiches.  No, there’s no great punny names or anything fun on the menu.  They leave all of that to Sonny.


Space Burgers? No, just cheeseburgers. Space cheese? NO!

With three bays and slightly under a million tables, you’d think the restrooms would be huge.  But that is stupid thinking by people with no sense of fun.  These restrooms are a loooooong walk around the back, cramped, and generally have a line comparable to Peter Pan’s Flight.  Remember those 10,000 screaming children I mentioned?  Well, as soon as they are done scarfing hot dogs, it’s restroom time.  That makes the hallway and restroom much like the rest of the cafe: loud, crowded, and dirty.  And when I say loud, I mean loud!  Sonny is loud, the 10,000 screaming children are loud, the counter service is loud, and the cavernous room is loud.  If you want to shove and shout, here’s the place for you!

Personally, when I feel the urge that nobody can resist and I’m in Tomorrowland, I make a trip over to the Skyway restroom.  While I’m there, I think about past attractions that were demolished in the name of progress, and progress attractions that remain in the name of history.  Have a pleasant tomorrow!

Maybe a new carousel?

It’s seen better days and you know it.  Admit it!

Bonus tip: By the way, if you like a nice quiet spot with good views, I suggest the terrace at Cosmic Ray’s between lunch and dinner.  This is also a good spot for Wishes, if you’re into fireworks and such.


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