Ok, it isn’t that funny. But hey, Animal Kingdom is more real than it is whimsical. And Africa is the most real of all the lands. Welcome to Harambe!
This African village is supposedly very realistic, right up to the Mombasa marketplace.
Incidentally, Mombasa is a real city in Kenya. It is culturally and economically significant. Look it up and learn something, why don’t ya?
Anyway, Mombasa’s restroom used to be the only one in all of Africa, and therefore your last chance for a pit stop before safari-ing or wildlife exress training.
But this is no more! With the moving and re-opening of the Festival of the Lion King, this restroom is about to be forgotten. But, as we all know, Mombasa means family, and family means never being left behind or forgotten.
This restroom does get a decent amount of traffic in the heavily populated Harambe Marketplace, and it is just scorching enough around here to hate everything and everyone.
If you’re in Africa and if I were you, I’d visit the Lion King during non-performance times for maximum population minimalism.
If you’re on your way to visit Rafiki, be the last one on the train and the first one off to use his restrooms. If you’re on your way to Africa, hit up Bradley Falls or Discovery Island.
After all, Animal Kingdom is abundant with restrooms. Never forget them.
Truly adventurous Outhouseketeers should plan to visit during a live music session in the Marketplace. Simply making your way to the restrooms provides an authentic experience of American strollers blocking Kenyan walkways.
Hahahahaha “Outhouseketeers”. I love it!