Your first stop is the first stop, in the Port of Entry:
Generally, I suggest avoiding entrance restrooms. However, this one seems clean and well-maintained. Must be easily overlooked or something.
Next stop is at the end of Port of Entry, heading right:
Next are a pair of whimsical restrooms:
Even though these restrooms are fun and Seuss-y, I suggest you skip them. There are crowds of screaming children everywhere. But the signs are great!
Up next is The Lost Continent. This land is not very popular, but I like the restroom. It is off to the side-ish and out of the way-ish.
Since you skipped all those restrooms because you were racing and sprinting for Hogsmeade, here is Harry’s restroom!
This restroom is crowded but shouldn’t be skipped. This is where Moaning Myrtle hangs out. You can hear her but cannot see her. But she sees you, so behave yourself.
Now, don’t you think it’s about time for a lunch break? Why not head over to the Jurassic Park Discovery Center for a burger and a bathroom break?
Continuing on through Jurassic Park, you may see the Pet Stop and you’ll also see the following restroom, nestled up against the river.
You can also stop a little further out here and view the river adventurers having a river adventure. Lots of fun. If you don’t want to get wet, keep your distance. But don’t look like your keeping your distance. Fly casual.
Anyway, up next are the delightful characters, the toons. This part of the park is for hot days as all the attractions involve soaking you. Dry off at one of those big human dryer machines or be cheap and use the air dryers in the Toon Lagoon restroom.
Next up on our grand circle tour (not Disney) around the park is Marvel (Disney) Super Hero Island!
The food’s bad and the restroom is too. Moving on!
As you make your way down Port of Entry, you may want to stop here before you head home. It’s the last stop before park exit. And it’s delightful!

Thanks for reading folks! Don’t forget to check out part one of this Universal Adventure!
A Star Wars joke in a Universal post? Are you allowed to do that?!?
Obviously, Cafe 4 is named for the four food groups: 1. pizza, 2. pasta, 3. sandwiches, and 4. restrooms.
Oh, I went there. Those are the real fantastic four.