Restrooms of the Caribbean

Pirates of the Caribbean

Yo ho, is that a flash?

Ye come seeking relief and salty old pirates, eh?  Sure ya come to the proper place.  Here be a great place to drop anchor, as few dare to pass this way.
Yo ho.

Yo ho.

If there is only one restroom that you use while enjoying your visit to the Magic Kingdom, then congratulations to you because you are a circus freak.  And, circus freak that you are, you’ll want to make the Pirates of the Caribbean restroom your number one stop.


No tales of quiet, hidden away bathrooms anyway.

The combination of a large space, many stalls, and very low foot traffic truly makes this restroom an e-ticket attraction.  Most people are not even aware of its existence, so here’s the secret:  After disembarking from your boat, go through the gift shop and turn to your larboard side (for you landlubbers, that means left).

Port: Gift Shop. Starboard: Ladies Room. Dead Ahead: Pirate’s Treasure.

Port: Gift Shop. Starboard: Ladies Room. Dead Ahead: Pirate’s Treasure.

There are signs for the restrooms, but those screaming kids wanting toy swords seem to distract everyone.  Advantage: you.  You’ll find a quiet, reflective area that is often free of people, even on the busiest of days in the Magic Kingdom.

No American ducks, Brazilian parrots, or Mexican roosters here.

No American ducks, Brazilian parrots, or Mexican roosters here.

This is truly one of the best spots to drop anchor in peace.  It is a great place for a pirate to leave behind his treasure.  Just don’t drink up, me hearties, yo ho.

Spanish for “Peace and Quiet, For a Change”?

Spanish for “Peace and Quiet, For a Change”?

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