Rock ‘n’ Roller Restroom

Disney Restroom


In 1999, Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith opened.  Steven Tyler told the world that it wasn’t about selling out, it was about Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster!  He was very convincing and exciting.  In any event, it’s a fun ride that is quite exciting to start, quite smooth for a roller coaster, and not overly long.  It is no “shocker” that I like this ride a lot.  However, it always brings a up a bad memory for my wife and me.  One time, a clearly distraught learning disabled young lady was waiting in line ahead of us.  She was bawling and had no desire at all to be there, yet her family was forcing her on the ride!  We couldn’t believe this was happening.  Sadly, her limo was wooshed onto the freeway and we never saw her again.
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith

There’s something wrong with the world today.

But I digress, the ride is great.  Oh, and restrooms are what we are here to discuss.  If we had used the restroom, we may have found that learning disabled young lady.  But, if this was her first time on this ride, she may have walked right by it.  This is as close as this park gets to a secret restroom.  Besides, there are several choices before making it all the way to here.  There is the restroom halfway down Sunset Boulevard.

Disney Restroom

What a crowd!

And, if that wasn’t enough, there is also one about fifty steps away at the fabled Hollywood Hotel.

Disney Restroom

Wait time: 13 scary minutes.

In the following picture, you can actually see two sets of restrooms.  That’s how plentiful they are here.

Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

There’s actually three, just follow the signs for Fantasmic!

If you’ve made it all the way to Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster without making a pit stop, you’ll be living it up while you’re sitting down.  The place is a last resort and therefore generally quiet.  Plus, it is out of the way even for being out of the way.  The ride is to the right, the restroom is tucked away to the left.

Disney Restroom

See the restroom? It’s tucked in there nicely!

So Les, grab your black Chris Paul (that’s right, right?) and walk this way to this restroom.

Bonus info:  The Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster has a sister version at Walt Disney Studios in Paris.  The ride is the same, but instead of the LA Freeway, the rider is subjected to intense flashing lights designed to induce an epileptic seizure.  Matching the theming of the rest of Walt Disney Studios, the ride has no associated restroom.

Disney Restroom

At Walt Disney Studios, restrooms are few and far between. And boring.


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