Runs Through the Jungle

Animal Kingdom

Scary enough for me to need a restroom.

You know those “Don’t worry, this place is completely safe” signs that are in movies?  You know, the main character gets assured that everything is just fine.  Then, the main character ends up in a near-death situation?
Have no fear, Sweet Lady.  This bridge has lasted for a thousand years…

Have no fear, Sweet Lady. This bridge has lasted for a thousand years…

Yeah, you should be terrified right now.

Bengal Tigers can jump over 20 feet.

Bengal Tigers can jump over 20 feet.

You know how you MAY only get a little wet on some theme park water rides?

How do you do?

How do you do?

Yeah, on Kali River Rapids, you WILL get soaked.

This potentially lethal combination of fear and water-logged shoes just screams for a restroom.

Lucky for you, you’re in luck, Lucky!  The land of Asia is properly stocked with a supremely well-placed restroom at the entrance to Maharajah Jungle Trek and directly across from Kali River Rapids.

The sign is probably in Sanskrit or something.

The sign is probably in Sanskrit or something.

Oh, but wait, there’s more!  Next to this restroom is your very own Asia-specific set of storage lockers!

First two hours free, 10 bucks for each additional hour.

First two hours free, 10 bucks for each additional hour.

These lockers aren’t listed on the park map, but trust me, they’re there.  And they’re theirs.  Disney’s.  Never mind.

These restrooms/lockers are a little bit mischievous.  More than once, I’ve walked by here and gotten sprayed by some hidden nozzle.  It is also a little questionable that they sell towels right next door.  Opportunistic Disney sales team juggernaut that they are.  First they soak you, then they soak your wallet.

While you are here, stop for a while and watch the little gibbon dudes as they swing about and play.  They are a close-knit family unit and they have their own house.

No outhouse though.  Go wherever you feel like.

No outhouse though. Go wherever you feel like.

This stretch of the park is especially restroomy, with 4 along a relatively short straight line from Everest to Harambe.  That means there’s plenty of room to go.

There are others…

There are others…

So, bring yourself a change of clothes.  And if you’ve gone and got yourself all wet or if you wet yourself, stop here for relief.

How do the animals know to go right there?

How do the animals know to go right there?


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