Tomorrowland Terrace Toilets

Disney Restroom

When one thinks of Tomorrowland, one’s imagination conjures up thoughts of the future.  Among these thoughts are a mission to Mars or a flight aboard a Delta airliner or a race car with real rack-and-pinion steering or a view of the sky from a gondola.
Skyway to Fantasyland

It’s tomorrow…yesterday!

Okay, so maybe one thinks more of history than of the future.  But why not?  Tomorrowland has changed so much that virtually everything there now is different than the day it opened (Little known fact: opening day was October 1st, 1971).  One such change involves Tomorrowland Terrace.

Tomorrowland Terrace

Totally different.

Follow along because this will be on the test: When Walt Disney World opened, the restaurant currently known as Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe was called Tomorrowland Terrace, while the place currently called Tomorrowland Terrace was called Plaza Pavilion.  In the 1990’s, Cosmic Ray showed up with his lounge-singer employee and replaced Tomorrowland Terrace.

Cosmic Ray's

The Wonderland-inspired leaves in the background are from the future.

At that time, Plaza Pavilion became Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station.  Later, it was renamed again to Tomorrowland Terrace Restaurant.  Hey, change is what Tomorrowland is all about.

Carousel of Progress

With some notable exceptions.

However, Tomorrowland Terrace’s restroom is largely unchanged.  Aside from a new paint job here and there, the restroom has survived all manner of refurbishment.


Still looks exactly the same.

Tucked deep in the corner between Tomorrowland and Main Street USA, you’ll only reach this restroom if you avoid the hub.  Couple that with the knowledge that the restaurant is only opened seasonally and you’ve got yourself a well-placed-yet-out-of-the-way pit stop.  Just take a right at the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor and you’ll find it.  Afterwards, pull up a chair on the Terrace for the fireworks.  Keep your eyes open for Tinkerbell though, she’ll be flying right at you!

Cinderella Castle

The daytime view is majestic too. Go here!


    1. Hopper

      Don’t forget to visit the other set of restrooms: from the spot in the first picture, take the ramp through the dining area and head right when you hit the registers. Even when the Terrace itself is closed, the restrooms are still open.

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