Village Haus-broken

Disney Restroom

When you are a little wooden doll, complete with little wooden head (but no strings), you may consider it torture if your restaurant overlooks a million terrifying dolls from now until eternity.
it's a small world

A different kind of terrifying.

Pinocchio Village Haus is a delightful restaurant that serves all sorts of Italian-Pinocchio-inspired far, such as chicken nuggets and mac and cheese.  Just outside and off to the backside, you’ll find the accompanying restroom.

Disney Restroom

It’s there every day. Every **** day.

Now for a little history on this restroom.  You see, it once overlooked the most well-defended lagoon in the World.  It once overlooked the popular airborne pachyderms.  It was once very popular.  Now it overlooks a wall, and a fake one at that.  It is considerably less popular than it once was.  The windows of the restaurant have always overlooked Mary Blair’s unique scary dolls, so I suppose there is some sense of normalcy.

it's a small world

Dolls to the left, and dolls to the right.

Since Peter Pan’s restroom was shuttered to make room for the long-haired hippie fable, this is now the only restroom in Ye Olde Fantasylande (not counting Cheshire Cafe, which is more of a spoke/transition thing).

You’d think it would be super-busy back here, but it isn’t!  With everyone running to New Fantasyland (fad-chasers) and it’s two restroom choices, you are free to use this restroom in peace, no strings attached.


I got no strings, so I won’t sit down.


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